Cinn Là / Performance Dates / Online Presentations
2024 Dates
2023 Dates
2022 Dates
2021 Dates
- SAD NEWS - Margaret's beloved partner, Murdo 'Wasp' MacDonald, was diagnosed with cancer at the end of July and, sadly, passed away, at the Western Isles Hospital, on 13th September.
- May - Fèis Rois nan Inbheach - Teaching Gaelic songs classes and performing with Ingrid Henderson during this brilliant tuition weekend in Ullapool.
- April - Performing at EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL HARP FESTIVAL alongside Ingrid Henderson and Iain MacFarlane. Workshop / masterclass also programmed.
- WORKING ON A PhD rearch project
2023 Dates
- October - or Còisir Sgìre a' Bhac and some solo performers for the Am Mòd Nàiseanta, Rìoghail, in Paisley.
- April - Performing at a number of Metagama commermoration events on the Isle of Lewis. (Òran a' Mhetagama, composed by Margaret's great uncle, John Stewart of Outend Coll, recalls the day the emigrant ship sailed from Stornoway, in April, 1923, carrying over 300 young men and women from Lewis to work in Canada).
- 4th February - CELTIC CONNECTIONS 2023 - Performing as a featured artiste at a special concert to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the National Centre for Gaelic, Language and Culture, along with Christine Primrose, Donnie Munro, Daimh, Dòchas, Sian and Julie Fowlis.
- 1st February - CELTIC CONNECTIONS 2023 - Appearing as a special guest, along with Karen Matheson, at the launch of a CD of newly composed Gaelic songs by Gillebride MacMillan
2022 Dates
- 9th December - Cèilidh/Concert at Grinneabhat Centre with Còisir Sgìre a' Bhac, Murdo 'Wasp' MacDonald, Kirsty Watt, Jonathan Fairgrieve et al.
- 1st December - A two-hour song workshop for the Songs of Mother Europe series.
- 17th to 22nd October - Adjudicator at Gold Medal solo singing competitions, Sherrif MacMaster and Lovat & Tulibardine Choral Competitions at the Royal National Mod in Perth.
- 2nd October - Final 2022 performance of Sing me a Story, in Forres, as part of the the Finhorn Bay Festival.
- September - Touring the Sing Me a Story / Cuir Seinn Ri Seanchas commission around the Highlands during the Blas Festival.
- 23rd March - Annual lecture to students from the Royal Conservatoire (RCS) BMus Hons (Traditional Music) degree course, during their Gaelic Week at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (online again this year).
- 4th February - CELTIC CONNECTIONS 2022. Performing at the Sing Me A Story / Cuir Seinn ri Seanchas commission, at The Mitchell Theatre. Wonderful to be back in Glasgow for Celtic Connections.
2021 Dates
- 26th November - Blas Festival, Community Cèilidh, at Clan McQuarrie Hall, Borve.
- 22nd August - Online presentation to Gaelic language learners on some Customs and Traditions of the Gael, with related Gaelic song.
- 3rd August - 5th August - Song & Story of the Emigrant Gael. A three day, online short course, contextualising the history and experiences of the emigrant Gael through their songs and poetry. The course will consist of 9 sessions over a period of three days. The Gaels have been pushed and pulled towards emigration over many generations and students will learn about some of the causes for mass emigration throughout the course. They will also have the opportunity to learn some of the songs highlighted throughout the sessions. Click here for more info and booking:- Song & Story of the Emigrant Gael - Short Course (Note: The sessions times for this course may be best suited to North American time-zones)
- 29th June - 1st July - Song & Story of the Emigrant Gael. A three day, online short course, contextualising the history and experiences of the emigrant Gael through their songs and poetry. The course will consist of 9 sessions over a period of three days. The Gaels have been pushed and pulled towards emigration over many generations and students will learn about some of the causes for mass emigration throughout the course. They will also have the opportunity to learn some of the songs highlighted throughout the sessions. Click here for more info and booking:- Song & Story of the Emigrant Gael - Short Course (Note: The sessions times for this course may be best suited to European time-zones)
- 17th June - 'S e Crioch Gach Comunn Dealachadh - online lecture to students of NewBattle Abbey College
- 4th - 10th July - Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy (Willie Clancy Summer School) - performing for, and co-ordinating recorded performances of a group of traditional Gàidhealach singers and musicians for this year's online summer school.
- 1st May - Online cèilidh along with Pàdruig Morrison, Eilidh Cormack and Ryan Molloy.
- 1st April - Comhairle na Gàidhlig, Nova Scotia - online presentation on traditions, terminology and songs of Cattle Rearing and Transhumance, to teachers on the 'Gàidhlig Aig Baile' initiative.
- 25th & 26th March - Sabhal Mòr Ostaig - Annual presentation on history and song of Highland Emigration & Clearances to students on RCS BMus Hons (Traditional Music) degree course, during their Gaelic Week (online this year).
- 24th March - Lews Castle College, Benbecula - Online Gaelic song presentation/workshop (Cattle: the Currency of the Gael)
- 8th March - Bit Collective - Recorded performance for an International Women's Day online concert.
- 23rd January - Boxwood Festival, Artist Huddle - online presentation on Gaelic song
2020 Dates
- 11th December - Induction into Traditional Music Hall of Fame. Margaret was honoured with induction into the Traditional Music Hall of Fame this year and performed as part of the Hall of Fame programme on BBC Alba.
- 28th November - Online Lecture as part of Blas Festival Online 2020.
- 20th and 30th November - Blas Festival 2020 Online. Blas festival will take place online this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 11 days we will deliver a fantastic programme of concerts, cèilidhs, workshops, lectures and more celebrating the music, songs, language and culture of the Highlands. On 21st Nov, Margaret Stewart will perform as part of Cèilidh Charistiona, celebrating the 70th birthday of Gaelic singer Christine Primrose, on 25th she will join Murdo 'Wasp' MacDonald in a joint concert, celebrating the button box and Gaelic song, with Seumas Begley and Muireann Ni Amhlaibh from County Kerry.
- 20th November - Off in a Boat. The opening event of the Blas 2020 Festival begins with young people from Fèisean across Scotland in a unique performance created by Mike Vass through his 2020 Blas Commission 'Off in a boat'. Margaret tutored the singers, online, over a number of weeks.
- 22nd August - The School of Scottish Studies in Light Festival. The School of Scottish Studies Archives (SSSA) celebrated a day-long online festival event hosted by the Celtic and Scottish Studies department. Curated by Mike Vass, Traditional Artist in Residence, The School of Scottish Studies Archives In Light festival focused on the sound, film and photographic collections of SSSA. The festival concluded with an evening concert of music, storytelling and dance from a stellar cast of performers from both sides of the Atlantic. The evening concert was hosted by Professor Gary West, Chair in Scottish Ethnology, and featured performances Steve Byrne, Margaret Stewart, Fulbright-Scotland Visiting Professor Margaret McAllister, acclaimed author and storyteller Ian Stephen, Ali Levak and Julie Fowlis.
- June & July - Brìgh Lectures. Delivering a series of online 'history through song' ZOOM lectures for Feisean nan Gàidheal under the Brìgh banner. Open to ages 16 and upwards. First lecture will be Eilthireachd & Na Fuadaichean (Emigration & Clearances). Further info will be posted for future lectures and dates.
- 23rd January - Celtic Connections Fesival, Glasgow - Ais-eirigh, produced by An Lòchran. Honoured to be included in the line-up of singers celebrating the celebrated Gaelic poet Alasdair Mac Mhaighistir Alasdair.
2019 Dates
- 28th December to 1st January 2020 - Cèilidh na Bliadhn' Ùr on BBC Alba. Margaret was over the moon to be invited to perform on one of the most watched tv programmes in Scotland on Hogmanay. Thrilled to be singing with the Glenfinnan Ceilidh Band and doing the pre-bells 'reflective' number with the wonderful Ingrid Henderson and sharing the stage for the final event with Arthur Cormack, Peat & Diesel, Alba Eurovision Choir & Mànran.
- 27th to 30th November - Blas Festival 2019 - Last minute stand-in for Rachel Walker, due to unforseen circumstances. Toured the 'Gaol is Gonadh' illustrated lecture with Jo MacDonald and Ewen Henderson. Loved every minute of it.
- 23rd November - Blas Festival 2019 - Margaret will be performing at two events on this date - one, in the afternoon, at the Town House in Inverness, with the young singers from the Fuaran project and again, in the evening, at Farr Community Hall with Iain MacFarlane and Ingrid Henderson.
- 3rd to 5th October - UNESCO Year of Indigenous Languages 2019, Berlin - As part of the UNESCO Year of Indigenous Languages in 2019, the governments of Wales, Scotland and Ireland are together undertaking a collaborative programme to celebrate and raise the profile of their indigenous languages and literatures. Amongst the high profile artists taking part are National Poet of Wales Ifor ap Glyn, Welsh-language singer-songwriter Kizzy Crawford, Welsh poet and academic Mererid Hopwood, Scottish musicians Steve Byrne, Shona Donaldson, Margaret Stewart and Murdo “Wasp” MacDonald.
- 7th September - Lismore - Annual Historical Society Cèilidh - Margaret is delighted to have been invited back to perform at this very special cèilidh, on the beautiful island of Lismore.
- 10th & 11th August - Festival at the Fort, Fort George - The event, marking the 250th anniversary of the Fort, will will feature a programme of family-friendly activity, historical re-enactment, music, dance and song. Re-enactment performances will tell the story of the Jacobite risings and the building of Fort George. Visitors can also meet costumed characters in the history encampments and hear the stories of Jacobites as well as those who were involved in the construction of the fortress. Throughout the weekend there will be musical performances from RAF Lossiemouth Pipes & Drums, Fèis Rois Ceilidh Trail, Inverness Military Wives Choir and The Margaret Stewart Trio, as well as Highland Dancing displays.
- 29th July - 2nd August - 5-day Short Course on The Supernatural in Gaelic Song & Story. I shall be leading a five day short course on the subject of the supernatural in Gaeldom through research, story and song - we shall explore various forms such as second sight, talismans, evil eye, fairy lore, the fairy host, the water horse etc. Click here for more information.
- 6th - 14th July - Willie Clancy Summer School, Co. Clare, Ireland - a delightful return to the renowned Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy representing the traditional Gaelic singing tradition and music, along with singer and box player Murdo 'Wasp' MacDonald, piper and fiddler Iain MacGillivray, Gaelic tutor Helen MacInnes and young fiddler Ruairidh Gollan. This year will see the opening of the new Community Centre in Milltown Malbay.
- 22nd June - Guth nan Gàidheal - Inverness. Margaret has been invited to teach Gaelic song to a group from the Guth nan Gael cultural exchange project between Feisean nan Gàidheal in Scotland and the Oriel Centre, Dundalk in Ireland. The project brings together young Gaelic and Irish speaking traditional musicians aged between sixteen and twenty-two.The project focuses on language usage and acquisition while giving participants the opportunity to participate in workshops, cultural visits and performances showcasing and developing the links and shared cultural traditions of Scotland and Ireland.
- April & May - Fèis Sgoil - Beairteas - Margaret is to spend a few weeks working on the Beairteas initiative through the Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Fèisgoil service, visiting Gaelic medium units in schools such as Ullapool, Dingwall Academy, Inverness Royal Academy & Tain Academy. Beairteas aims to complement schoolwork, offering opportunities for children to communicate in Gaelic with people other than their teachers. Engaging them with Gaelic speakers with specialist knowledge of the work they do or have done, as well as any interesting pastimes in which they may have been involved, will strengthen the language skills of the young people giving them a breadth of vocabulary they may not pick up through their daily schoolwork. In some schools she will engage them in the research of Gaelic Place Names and focus on what they can tell us about the landscape and the people who worked the land in the past, and in other schools she will look at dwellings in the Highlands & Islands, through the ages, from Neolithic to the present.
- 21st March - Lecture on History & Songs of the Gaelic Diaspora - Sabhal Mòr Ostaig - annual lecture to visiting students on the history of the Gaelic Diaspora through Gaelic song (bho bhilean an t-sluaigh).
- 20th to 24th February - Scoil Cheòil an Earraig, Ireland - Margaret is looking forward to a very welcome return to Ballyferriter, in the fine and fun filled company of fiddling legend Liz Carroll, singer Mary Jane Lamond and fiddler Wendy MacIsaac from Cape Breton, the Friel Sisters from Glasgow and award winning flute player Catherine MacEvoy, for this annual 5-day celebration of Traditional Music which pays particular attention to the music, style and songs of the Corca Dhuibhne peninsula in Co. Kerry, on the Wild Atlantic Way. Joining her for a performance at the grand concert this year will be her long time musical partner, renowned harpist, Ingrid Henderson.
- 15th & 16th February - Fuaran - Inverness - Fuaran is a heritage initiative established by Fèisean nan Gàidheal to encourage a new generation of Gaelic speakers and singers to actively engage in the research and collection of Gaelic songs in their local area. Margaret has been invited to deliver a lecture to the 2019 participants and to give them tips on transcribing songs and performing them once they have been collected. She will also assist some of them with learning their newly collected material, prior to recording.
- 18th January - Seinn Air A' Phíob - The MacIntosh Church, Glasgow. Concert at Celtic Connections Festival - a duo performance with virtuoso harpist Ingrid Henderson at the opening weekend of the renowned Celtic Connections Festival.
2018 Dates
2017 Dates
- 30th November - OCAIDICH - A Performance with Glasgow's Improvisers Orchestra. More information to follow.
- 20th October - Bàs Connlaoich - Scottish Storytelling Festival - From chiefs’ halls to ceilidh houses, heroic ballads and their stories have been at the heart of Gaelic culture for centuries. Two exceptional performers, singer Margaret Stewart and storyteller Pàdruig Morrison, use tale and ballad to share the story of Connlaoch – son of the Scottish warrior-princess Aoife and Irish hero Cú Chulainn – who dies at the hands of his own father. Performance in Gaelic with provision in English. Netherbow Theatre, Scottish Storytelling Centre, 6:30pm.
- 6th to 10th August - Sealladh Mara air Òrain Ghàidhlig - A Seascape of Gaelic Song - The Sequel Sabhal Mòr Ostaig are offering Part 2 of this course, following the success of the 2017 course. There is such a wealth of material on this theme that only a fraction of the songs and information could be covered during the first part, so it has been decided to offer a follow-up course during the 2018 Short Courses programme. Margaret will explore Gaeldom's rich legacy of Gaelic sea-themed song, as well as aspects of West Coast/Hebridean maritime history, coastal toponymy and seafaring traditions. Click here for more information
- 7th to 15th July - Willie Clancy Summer School, Co. Clare, Ireland. Margaret returns to this renowned summer school to represent the Scottish Gaelic singing tradition, along with other performers such as singer/button box player Murdo 'Wasp' MacDonald and piper/singer Allan MacDonald.
- 9th to 13th April - Aspects of Highland Material Culture. Margaret will lead a five-day course focusing on aspects of Highland Material Culture. More information here.
- 19th March - Lecture to Newbattle Abbey Group, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Lecture on History & Song of Highland Emigration and the Scottish Gaelic Diaspora.
- 25th January - Celtic Connections Festival, Glasgow. Encompassing a veritable treasure-trove of Gaelic song, Binneas nam Ban (produced by An Lòchran) features an array of some of Gaeldom's foremost female exponents, celebrating women’s role in the tradition as both singers, musicians and bards. From Lewis and South Uist respectively, Margaret Stewart and Kathleen MacInnes are each renowned for their deeply authentic but highly individual style, while Sian – originally formed for the 2016 Blas Festival – brings together three outstanding younger singers: Eilidh Cormack, Ellen MacDonald and Ceitlin LR Smith. Performing songs by female bards, in both solo and ensemble arrangements, they’re accompanied by Ingrid Henderson, Jenn Butterworth, Shona Masson and Eilidh MacFadyen. Click here for review
2017 Dates
- 10th to 14th October - Celtic Colours Festival, Canada. Margaret returns to Celtic Colours after many years absence. For nine days in October, Cape Breton Island is alive with music, energy and excitement as people come from far and wide to celebrate their rich culture. From concerts to dances and workshops to community suppers, we offer a full range of events against a gorgeous backdrop of autumn colours.
- 22nd to 24th September - Philadelphia, USA, Performing and Adjudicating at American National Mod.
- 1st September - 'Moladh Mòraig', Blas Festival. An evening of song and music in Scalpay Community Centre to celebrate Morag MacLeod's 80th year. Margaret is honoured to have been chosen to sing at this celebratory event for her friend of many years. Morag spent most of her working life at the School of Scottish Studies, Edinburgh University where she lectured on Gaelic song. She has also been of enormous help to singers such as Margaret over the years and it is a delight to be able to perform at this celebratory event in her honour.
- 26th August - Ceilidh in Lismore - a fundraising event on behalf of the local Historical Society.
- 12th and 13th August - Fort George, near Inverness/Nairn Immerse yourself in the past as hundreds of performers tell Scotland's story. Visit the encampments and view dramatic re-enactments. Try your hand at traditional skills, meet the archaeologists and find out about the fascinating finds that help us piece together the puzzles of the past. Celebrate Scottish culture with a programme of traditional music over the weekend featuring artists with strong Highland links, including The Margaret Stewart Trio who will perform songs relating to Fort George and the Jacobite movement.
This event is not to be missed! Click on link (Amazing Ages) for more info.
- 9th August - Isle of Skye. A special concert with Margaret and renowned harpist, Ingrid Henderson, as part of the Skye Festival programme. An opportunity to drink from the well of Gaelic culture in the company of two of Gaeldom's finest traditional music exponents.
- 7th to 11th August - Isle of Skye. Margaret has been invited back to Sabhal Mòr Ostaig to deliver another of her fascinating song courses. This new course, A Seascape of Gaelic Song, one will have a strong nautical flavour, exploring our rich legacy of sea-themed Gaelic songs.
- 6th to 10th July - Rudolstadt Festival in Germany - Kist o' Riches / Tobar an Dualchais is like a digital heirloom seed bank. It’s an ambitious project freeing thousands of Scotland’s folk voices trapped in the archives. This documentation process set out in 2006 to preserve over 12,000 hours of oral field recordings recorded between the 1930s and the end of the century. In 2010, went live. It uploaded for public access thousands of tracks (currently 38,000) of traditional culture - songs, music, stories and poetry. this unique concert, 13 performers (including Margaret Stewart) representing and celebrating a broad church of Scotland’s highly diverse regional musical traditions resurrect the Voice of the People. A festival highlight.
- 22nd June - Glasgow Westend Festival presents 'Binneas nam Ban', a night of Gaelic singing from some of Scotland's finest singers and featuring songs written by female bards. Featuring renowned Lewis singer Margaret Stewart, South Uist treasure Kathleen MacInnes and newly formed group 'Sian', comprising fantastic young singers Eilidh Cormack, Ellen MacDonald and Ceitlin Smith. With expert accompaniment from Jenn Butterworth and Ingrid Henderson, this special concert is not to be missed!
- 21st June - Togaibh Fonn at An Lòchran, Glasgow - Margaret will give a workshop on Songs of Courtship & Night Visiting from 7:00pm to 8:20pm.
- 17th to 21st April - Margaret will lead a new short course at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig as part of their Easter Short Courses programme. Click on highlighted link for further information and booking details on the 'Aspects of Highland Material Culture' course.
- Some Past Events:-
- 30th July to 3rd Aug 2012 - Margaret will be leading a 5-day course on the Gaelic Songs of the Jacobite Era, at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Further information and booking details on this link ( Jacobite Songs Short Course)
- May 23rd - Heading over to Knoydart, on the opposite side of the Sound of Sleat from Sabhal Mòr, with the course students on Wednesday evening. I've never been to this remote location before, although I've looked at it every day I've been at the college. Photo gallery may follow.
- May 20th - Margaret to be teaching a short, 5-day course on the Gaelic Songs of Emigration & The Clearances, at Sabhal Mor Ostaig, from Mon 21st to Friday 25th May. Further information on this link (SMO Short Course)
- May 26th - Ceòl Mòr Ostaig - A group, consisting of staff and students from Sabhal Mor Ostaig, particuarly those involved in the BA Hons Gaidhlig & Traditional Music degree course, will be appearing in a live show at Ceòl 's Craic in Glasgow - for one night only. Join us for a night of good Highland craic.
- November 2011 - In October, 2011 Margaret was appointed Musician in Residence at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Scotland's Gaelic College, on the beautiful Isle-of-Skye. She started in the post in October 2011 and has been enjoying the opportunity to undertake research in such an inspiring setting, while also taking part in various projects at the college and in the local community.
- November, 2011 - Margaret is delighted to have been offered a commission by the Blas Festival, for a series of five concert in the Highland region. These concerts, themed on 'The Highland Wedding', will be on tour from Friday 7th September.