Seo cuid de na faclan a chuir mi ris an Fhaclair 'Am Faclair Beag' air loidhne.
Some of the following are Gaelic words or phrases which I've submitted to the online Gaelic dictionary. The list is an ongoing process. buailidheachd buəlɪjəxg/ boir. neo-ath. transhumance callaid teud kaLɪdʲ tʲiad/ wire fencing cròlainneach /krɔːLɪNʲəx/ bua. coi. -nniche 1. hunched, stooped 2. crippled fraoilean /frɯːlan/ fir. gin. -ein 1. flurry, fluster, agitation 2. excitement 3. tipsiness isear /iʃər/ fir. gin. -eir, iol. -an byre gutter (Lewis) nì /Nʲiː/ ainmear iolra cattle / bha iad a-muigh leis a' nì ròcas duine a grumpy/brooding/dark person sapraisg /sahbrɪʃgʲ/ boir. iol. -ean 1 (soap) suds 2 soapy water Seanchas Arcach nan Lochlannach Orkneyinga Saga sìg feòir large stack of hay, large haystack (long and rectangular with a pitched top) spideag (bheag) de chreutair a right wee madam, an over-confident little so-and-so spléisigeadh /sbleːʃɪgʲəɣ/ fir. gin. -gidh (act of) pontificating Struth a' Chuan Siar a' Tuath North Atlantic Drift / Gulf Stream sumachadh /suməxəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh 1 (act of) counting 2 souming (number and type of stock a croft may graze on common grazings) tha Calum 'na ghlòraidh Calum is in his element
10/4/2017 08:03:25 am
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13/10/2023 01:47:43 am
The author of the post titled "Facail don Fhaclair" discusses their ongoing effort to contribute Gaelic words and phrases to the online Gaelic dictionary 'Am Faclair Beag.' This initiative highlights their dedication to preserving and promoting the Gaelic language and culture. They encourage communication in English, making the project more accessible and inclusive to a wider audience. This post illustrates the importance of community involvement and the digital age's role in language preservation, emphasizing the significance of online platforms in maintaining linguistic diversity.
9/11/2023 06:48:23 am
Wow, it's fascinating to see the contributions you've made to the Gaelic dictionary with words like "buailidheachd" and "callaid teud." It's clear that you have a deep appreciation for the richness of the Gaelic language. I especially love the description of "spideag (bheag) de chreutair" – it paints such a vivid picture! Keep up the great work in preserving and expanding this beautiful language.
1/2/2024 04:35:55 pm
19/3/2024 12:54:49 pm
I'm going to bookmark this page for future reference; it's proving to be an invaluable resource that I'll definitely revisit whenever I need reliable information.
25/3/2024 01:13:46 pm
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29/3/2024 10:24:46 pm
Tha na faclan agad a chur ris an Fhaclair 'Am Faclair Beag' air loidhne a' cumail ri clò-bhualadh Gàidhlig. Tha e cudromach a bhith a' leudachadh agus a' leasachadh na faclan agus abairtean anns an fhacalbhanair airson feumalachd luchd-labhairt agus luchd-ionnsachaidh. Ma tha thu airson taic sam bith eile leis na faclan, chan eil mi cinnteach ciamar a ghabhas sin a dhèanamh air an làrach-lìn seo, ach faodaidh tu bruidhinn ris an t-uallach agad no le Urras na Gàidhlig airson cuideachadh nas fhaide. Buannachd a tha ann airson daoine Gàidhlig agus daoine le ùidh ann am facalbhanair a chleachdadh gu h-eachdraidheil agus goireasach.
2/4/2024 07:56:32 pm
I havent heard of gaelic before! This is somewhat interesting.
9/7/2024 03:39:36 am
Your post is both clear and informative; great job.
3/4/2024 09:16:30 pm
Tha na facal a chuir thu ris an Fhaclair Beag air loidhne air leth inntinneach! Bidh mi a' dèanamh mo dhìcheall airson beachdan a chur ris na h-eadar-theangachaidhean seo.
29/5/2024 01:27:05 pm
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4/7/2024 07:43:29 am
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18/9/2024 04:53:27 am
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